White Horse Jigsaw 게임:

일인용, Flash, 조각그림, 농장, | (474 KB) 등록된 날짜: 22 Sep 2012
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White Horse Jigsaw is terrific free online horse jigsaw game. If you love horses I am sure that you will like this game, because it has a picture with beautiful white running horses. This picture, as in other jigsaw games, you have to shuffle first and then you have to set it as fast as possible. If you don’t set the picture in the given time the game will be over. But you have the opportunity to turn off the time limit and to play whit out rushing. Once you start playing this game you have to select a difficulty mode. Select easy, medium, hard or expert mode. Depending on the difficulty mode you will have to set different numbers of pieces in the image. In the easy mode there are 12 numbers of pieces, in the medium mode there are 48 numbers of pieces, in the hard mode 108 and in the expert mode there are totally 192 pieces that you have to put in the right position. To put the pieces in the right position drag the specific piece white your mouse. You have several options in the game: you can turn the music on or off, you can turn the time limit on or off, you can preview the picture and you can change the mode whenever you want. Now get ready end start playing this very fun and interesting free horse game. Have a lot of fun!

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