Viking - Armed to the Teeth 게임:

퍼즐, 일인용, Flash, 구기 종목, 마우스 스킬, 두뇌, Viking | (7.03 MB) 등록된 날짜: 04 Dec 2013
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A fascinating saga about the adventures of a brave viking in which You participate.
Help him to pass through more than 25 unique levels and find his 8 lost items.
The path goes through high mountains and deep forests, through dark caves and wild-lands.
Many obstacles and dangers waiting there. Severe forces of nature, hungry animals and fabulous monsters stands in the way. But with Your help he will defeat them all in this addictive physics based game.

플레이하는 법:

Mouse - Aim / Move.
Mouse / Spacebar - Launch.

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Viking - Armed to the Teeth
Viking - Armed to the Teeth
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