Totemia: Cursed Marbles 게임:

아케이드, 일인용, 구기 종목, 마우스 스킬, 매칭, HTML5, Match 3, 모바일, 터치스크린 | 등록된 날짜: 20 Dec 2018
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Explore a mysterious ancient world in Totemia and stop the moving line of cursed marbles with your tiki shooter! This classic Match3 game will put your skills to the test: shoot and combine at least 3 same-colored balls to remove them from the field. Stop the line before it reaches the end and eliminate all balls to pass a level. Activate power ups which randomly appear on marbles and play strategically to get as many chain reactions as possible - they'll give you bonus points. Complete 45 increasingly difficult levels, reach a high score and break the curse!

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Totemia: Cursed Marbles
Totemia: Cursed Marbles
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