Taxi Simulator 2024 게임:

일인용, 시뮬레이션, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 자동차, 3D, WebGL, Drifting, Taxi | 등록된 날짜: 18 May 2024
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303 플레이
  • Accelerate/Gas
    Steer left/right
    Rotate camera view
    Change car view
    Slow motion (hold)
    Lights On/Off

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Are you prepared to play an awesome simulator? cab Simulator 2024 is an online game set in an open environment with objectives to help you improve your cab driving abilities. Pick up the passengers and drive them to their destination, following the directions and exploring all of the maps to locate the streets and addresses. This game includes many game modes to keep you entertained; accomplish the stages in taxi or open mode, and freely explore the whole landscape. Enjoy playing this driving simulation game here at!

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Taxi Simulator 2024
Taxi Simulator 2024
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