Space Bunny Zita 게임:

일인용, Shoot 'Em Up, 우주, 아기 토끼, HTML5 | 등록된 날짜: 21 Jul 2016
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A high speed score attack wave-survival game inspired by arcade and DOS classics. A strict time limit mixed with a pulse pounding soundtrack and hoardes of enemies keep you on edge.

The Galactic Special Weapons and Tactics have sent Lt. Zita Volare down to an abandoned planet that has been taken over by an empire of evil aliens. Zita is sent down to both clear the planet of baddies, and destroy their sources of power, bright energy crystals littered throughout the areas. It’s a seemingly endless battle, how long can Zita last?

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Space Bunny Zita
Space Bunny Zita
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