Sophia In China Makeover 게임:

일인용, Flash, 옷 입히기, 메이크오버/메이크업 | (3.25 MB) 등록된 날짜: 21 Jan 2014
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Mademoiselle Sophia had such a wonderful time visiting Paris, but now it's time for her to continue her trip around the world with another great destination: China. Well girls, here is where cute Sophia needs your great beauty services and here is where you are invited to get our brand-new makeover game started and help her prepare for her vacation in China. Begin Sophia's beautifying session by removing the last traces of makeup with a delicate cleanser and then make sure to apply the cucumber and roses face masks in order to obtain a glowing and healthy look for her complexion! Once you're done dealing with her facial treatment, you're getting the chance to show off your fashion adviser and make-up artist skills as well. Have a great time!

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