Slenderman Must Die: Silent Streets 게임:

일인용, 킬링, 일인칭 슈팅, 3D, 크리스마스, 공포, , WebGL | 등록된 날짜: 21 Dec 2018
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Slenderman is terrorizing the streets again. You need to get all the pieces all together. In this game, Slender Man Must Die: Silent Streets, there are two stories that you can choose from. First is Silent Streets, in this story you're in a very silent city and you need to find eight pages before Slenderman gets you. Always prepare yourself because whenever you find a page he will surely hunt you! The second story is the Christmas Special. In this story you need to find seven gifts hidden in the area. Watch out for those gingerbread men, they may look cute but they are nasty creatures. And of course Slenderman is everywhere so you better not cross paths with him. But don't you worry, in both stories you'll be armed with guns and there are ammos that can be found across the maps. Defend yourself in all cost and find those gifts and pages before Slenderman finds you!

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Slenderman Must Die: Silent Streets
Slenderman Must Die: Silent Streets
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