Seeking Peace Zombeez 게임:

퍼즐, 일인용, 던지기, 함정, 유혈낭자, 고어, 좀비, 장애물, WebGL | 등록된 날짜: 14 Aug 2024
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Seeking Peace Zombeez is a unique puzzle-platformer game that takes you on an unexpected journey with a zombie who wants nothing more than to end the ongoing war between humans and zombies. This game is a heartfelt tribute to the beloved PS1 era games like “Heart of Darkness” and “Abe’s Oddysee,” blending classic gameplay elements with a fresh, intriguing storyline. In this adventure, you’ll navigate a series of challenging levels filled with clever traps and obstacles. But here’s the twist: you need to use your head—not just figuratively, but literally! Your zombie character can detach its head to press buttons, activate mechanisms, and even destroy light poles to progress through the game. Enjoy playing this zombie adventure game here at!

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Seeking Peace Zombeez
Seeking Peace Zombeez
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