Pizza Division 게임:

퍼즐, 일인용, 교육용, 아동용, 수학, 마우스 스킬, 매칭, 퀴즈, 음식, HTML5, 모바일, 터치스크린, 두뇌 | 등록된 날짜: 11 May 2021
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하루에 한번만 투표할 수 있습니다.
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죄송합니다. 알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다. 나중에 다시 투표해 주세요.
투표: 이 게임이 마음이 드나요?


Pizza Division is a math game for those who love pizza. Pizza is the best food all around! Have you ever wanted to make a pizza? Well, this restaurant needs your help in cutting slices. It is always hard to get all those pieces equal. Help out this restaurant by cutting the pizza into the perfect amount of slices. Finish as many slices as you can in the allotted time. The customer is waiting so you need to be fast yet efficient! Once you finish a session of the pizzeria, it’s time for some math skills!

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Pizza Division
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