Nerdy Girl Makeup Salon 게임:

일인용, 옷 입히기, HTML5, 메이크오버/메이크업, 모바일, 터치스크린, 청소 | 등록된 날짜: 29 Apr 2024
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Sweetheart! Super nerds are so busy at school that they hardly have time to glance in the mirror—they spend most of their time studying! Nerds can alter it in wild ways with your assistance! You hold the key to nerddom's future! You can choose your favorite prom dress by dressing her up in a variety of exquisite gowns. Once the nerd gets her spa, makeup, and outfit done, she'll turn into a prom queen and go to her prom. What a fantastic adventure it has been! Among the most thrilling costume

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