Need 4 Meat 게임:

일인용, 던지기, 유혈낭자, 마우스 스킬, 킬링, WebGL, 픽셀, 사냥 | 등록된 날짜: 01 Mar 2021
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594 플레이
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    Throw spear

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Need 4 Meat is an awesome hunting game that takes place in 10,000 B.C. as a Primitive man that walks the earth, proud but vulnerable. His only desire is that most scarce and precious resource: MEAT. Take up your spears and establish yourself as the true apex predator. Hunt down skittish rabbits to get its meat. But beware the crafty wolves, who pursue rabbits and humans both. Will the hunter become the hunted? Will the man get meat or be the wolf's meat? Have fun playing this game here at!

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Need 4 Meat
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