Monster Shooter: Destroy All Monsters 게임:

일인용, 유혈낭자, 마우스 스킬, 좀비, 킬링, 3D, , 폭력, 몬스터, Y8 계정, WebGL, Y8 저장, 생존 호러 | 등록된 날짜: 15 Dec 2021
당신의 3개의 베스트 게임을 추가하세요
800 플레이
  • Aim/Look around
    Zoom In/Out
    Scroll weapons
    Reload ammo
  • Switch gun
    Throw grenade

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Face your terror with Monster Shooter 3D game. Your worst nightmare is just about to begin. You are in trouble and must fight to survive against the Tree monsters, giant alien and the zombies. Can you survive or be eaten alive? With the variety of weapons in your hands, destroy all these horrifying monsters. Pick and use a gun suited to destroy the monsters. Stay alert and survive their attack! Enjoy playing Monster Shooter game brought to you by!

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이 게임은 시리즈의 일부입니다 :Shooter 3D

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Monster Shooter: Destroy All Monsters
Monster Shooter: Destroy All Monsters
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