Meatball the Mite 게임:

퍼즐, 일인용, 플랫폼, 몬스터, HTML5 | 등록된 날짜: 25 Jul 2024
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Dive into the quirky world of "Meatball the Mite", a unique Metroidvania platformer where you control a charming little bug on an extraordinary journey. Created by JuniperPinPan, this game sets you on an adventure inside the corpse of an unidentified animal, a setting as eerie as it is intriguing. As Meatball the Mite, you’ll navigate through this giant carcass, facing numerous challenges along the way. The game is filled with clever traps that test your reflexes and cunning bacteria enemies that require quick thinking to defeat. Along your journey, you’ll find various upgrades that enhance Meatball’s abilities, allowing you to access previously unreachable areas and unravel new aspects of the story. The game include 5 areas + 4 bosses! Enjoy playing this platform adventure game here at!

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Meatball the Mite
Meatball the Mite
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