Little Daisy HairCare 게임:

일인용, Flash, 단장하기, 아기 | (1.43 MB) 등록된 날짜: 02 Feb 2014
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Little Daisy Hair Care is very fun game for kids. This game has 4 levels to play. In the first level Little Daisy hairs have grown up and she need a haircut. You have to help her to get a haircut. But Little Daisy is scared of scissors so you must distract her attention by given her the favorite toys. In the second level Little Daisy need a dandruff treatment. Massage her scalp with olive oil to loosen dandruff. While you do the treatment give Daisy the toys she asks for to be happy. In the third and fourth level give Little Daisy a shower and then dress her up in a beautiful dress and make her a hairstyle with the beautiful hair pins. Have a lot of fun!

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