Isabella's Room Dress Up 게임:

일인용, Flash, 아동용, 옷 입히기 | (661 KB) 등록된 날짜: 30 Sep 2009
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Isabella is a cool young girl who's crazy about fashion and style. She is a trend setter in her high school. All the girls admire her style and try to adopt it.. Right now, Isabella prepares for a fancy party she was invited at. As usual, she wants to be the center of attention there, she wants to look absolutely gorgeous.. But she can't decide what to wear of all these trendy clothes she has in her room. Help her make her mind! Check out her wardrobe and see which are the trendiest clothes of all. Choose the perfect outfit for her, pick up some accessories and change her hairstyle the way you want.

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Isabella's Room Dress Up
Isabella's Room Dress Up
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