Hobo 6 — Hell 게임:

격투, 일인용, Flash, 유혈낭자, 고어, 때려눕히기, 폭력 | (6.47 MB) 등록된 날짜: 29 Jul 2012
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𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐨 𝟔— 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 is an action-packed, beat-em-up browser game that takes our beloved character, Hobo, on an adventure like no other. After dying in the previous game, Hobo finds himself in the fiery depths of hell, facing off against hordes of demons and their master, Satan himself. Use the arrow keys to move, press ‘A’ for punches and object interactions, and ‘S’ for kicks and other actions. Get ready for a devilishly fun time! 😈🔥👊

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이 게임은 시리즈의 일부입니다 :Hobo games

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Hobo 6 — Hell
Hobo 6 — Hell
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