Hexa Path 게임:

퍼즐, 일인용, 함정, 마우스 스킬, 장애물, 색칠하기, WebGL, 두뇌 | 등록된 날짜: 13 Dec 2020
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Hexapath is a free puzzle game. In Hexapath you must always move but you can never go back. You are like a six-sided shark who can never stop moving in any direction as long as it's not the one you just came from. This is a puzzle game where you are tasked with covering every single hex on the various hex grids. In order to accomplish that goal, you can move in any one of 6 directions. After you move the hex you just left will be filled in and you can't ever go back on it. This means you'll need to move all around the board and cover every hex without ever backtracking. It's tough but that is what makes it a puzzle and that is what makes it fun. Polynomials are the new cool. And hex games will never not be fun. In this level-based puzzle game, you'll have to find your way through a maze that you're building as you go. At each level, the playing field becomes more abstract and more complex. As the game goes on it will become more and more complicated. The skills that you learn early on will need to be sharpeneed and you'll need to think two, thre, four, five steps ahead in this exciting and original puzzle game.

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Hexa Path
Hexa Path
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