Going Right 게임:

일인용, 함정, 비행, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 마우스 스킬, 장애물, 사이드 스크롤링, HTML5, 모바일, 터치스크린 | 등록된 날짜: 09 Jun 2020
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Bring the bird to its nest without getting hit by the obstacles. A simple one touch avoid and collect game, with five differents game modes:
20 Hard Levels to enjoy!

NORMAL MODE: You can start the game from any level you have already completed.
DEATH MODE: You got only 10 attempts to complete all the levels.
TIME ATTACK: Beat your best time in this game mode, and show yourself what you can do.
INFINITE RUN: FLy as long as you can avoiding the obstacles and collecting coins.
SHOP: Buy new skins and choose different colors to customize your bird.

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Going Right
Going Right
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