Girl in Ripped Jeans Dress Up 게임:

일인용, Flash, 아동용, 옷 입히기 | (396 KB) 등록된 날짜: 29 Sep 2009
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This pretty girl is crazy about wearing blue jeans. She especially loves ripped jeans. She has many pairs of them, all colors and shapes. Today she just can't decide which of them she should wear. She loves all her ripped jeans but she should choose one pair to get dressed today. Would you like to give her a helping hand? Make her try on her ripped jeans and choose the pair you like best. After that, find a shirt to fit her blue-jeans and a pair of shoes! Don't forget to pick up some accessories for her and change her hairstyle!

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Girl in Ripped Jeans Dress Up
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