Frogfall 게임:

퍼즐, 일인용, 플랫폼, 반사, 장애물, 동물, 점프, HTML5, 픽셀 | 등록된 날짜: 11 Jun 2024
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15 플레이
  • Start level/Jump
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    Move right

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In “Frogfall,” players navigate through over 40 tiny, intricately designed levels, each packed with challenges and flies to catch. The game’s simple yet captivating mechanics involve jumping, dodging, and timing your movements to successfully capture flies while avoiding obstacles. Each level is a unique puzzle, requiring both quick reflexes and strategic thinking to master. The vibrant pixel art graphics and lively animations bring Froggo Town and its inhabitants to life, making each moment in the game visually engaging. So jump in and help our froggy friend make the most of the fall fly feast in Froggo Town! Enjoy playing this game here at!

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