Fodder: Hell Diners 게임:

일인용, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 플랫폼, 킬링, 몬스터, WebGL, 픽셀 | 등록된 날짜: 14 Jul 2024
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"Fodder" is an innovative Sci-fi platformer game set in a dystopian world facing an unprecedented food crisis. To combat starvation, the desperate president strikes a deal with the devil, opening the gates to a nightmarish underworld. Here, humanity is forced to farm demon meat as a new, gruesome food source. In this unique 2D platformer, your journey takes you not horizontally across the screen, but vertically downward through a series of pipes and tunnels that lead straight to hell. Your mission is to battle demons that lurk in the depths, utilizing the resources they drop to craft weapons and essential items necessary for survival. Defeat demons to gather materials. Craft upgrades and weapons using the resources you’ve collected to enhance your abilities. Navigate through pipes, strategically shooting enemies and avoiding hazards. Every few levels, players encounter the “Harvest” phase, a critical challenge where molten lava floods the tunnels. During this phase, your objective is to ascend through the tunnels you previously descended, collecting demon meat along the way. This meat serves not only as a survival resource but also as currency in the game’s economy. Enjoy playing this adventure platformer here at!

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