Flying Fire Truck Driving Sim 게임:

일인용, 시뮬레이션, 비행, , 장비 구입 업그레이드, 트럭, 3D, WebGL | 등록된 날짜: 27 Mar 2023
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352 플레이
  • Drive
    In/Out Truck
    Spray water
    Accept Mission
    Decline Mission
    Police Lights
    Fly / Land

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Fire Truck Simulator is an ultra realistic 3D fire-rescue game to play. Become a firefighter and rescue the city from fire accidents. Get in the firetruck and drive to the accident Whenever there is an emergency in the city, and the fire is taking lives! But keep an eye on the timer, and reach the accident zone before the timer runs out. The well-trained firefighters are always there to rescue. The rescue department has assigned you the task to prevent casualties. Play more 3D games only on

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Flying Fire Truck Driving Sim
Flying Fire Truck Driving Sim
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