Fanorona 게임:

이인용, 일인용, 보드, HTML5, 모바일, 터치스크린, 두뇌 | 등록된 날짜: 14 Feb 2020
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Fanorona is a 2-player strategy game played on 9×5 board with intersecting lines. Move your piece to any adjacent empty intersection. You can capture opponent’s piece either by moving your piece next to opponent’s piece (called Approach) or, moving your piece away from opponent’s piece (called Withdrawal).

When an opponent piece is captured, all other opponent pieces along the same line and direction beyond that piece are also captured and removed from the board (as long as it is not interrupted by an empty intersection or player’s own piece). Successive captures are optionally allowed in the same turn as long as it is not in the same direction as the previous capture. If you can make both approach as well as withdrawal move, only one move can be made and not both. A point can not be repeated in same turn.

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