POG는 모든 Y8의 게임을 차단해제 시켜줍니다. 여러분이 가장 좋아하는 Slope와 LeaderStrike를 포함한 다양한 게임을 취향껏 골라 즐겨보세요. 플레이 제한도, 차단도, 필터도 없는 Y8에서 자유롭게 놀아보세요.
새 온라인 게임 |
최고의 게임 |
카테고리 |
Extreme Vexed is a thought-provoking puzzle game with multiple levels. Put your thinking hat on for 60 levels of puzzles for you to solve. This online game consists of multiple blocks some of which must be matched to finish the game. The brown wooden blocks cannot be moved as you figured out a way around them to complete the puzzle. The bold-colored blocks with the sport ball icons need to be matched. To get the best possible score, you should complete the puzzle in the indicated number of moves or less. If you use more moves then this will count against your final score. From the main menu, you can click on the high scores icon to see how you stack up against other puzzle players.