Elsa Princess Wedding Cake 게임:

일인용, Flash, 음식, 요리, 공주, 케이크 | (1.14 MB) 등록된 날짜: 08 Mar 2016
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Elsa is going to prepare a delicious cake for her best friend who is getting married tomorrow. She will feel elated if you are with her. On the other hand she has only a little time left. You have the needed ingredients in the kitchen. You are supposed to follow the instructions faithfully. So that the outcome would be great. Let the wedding cake have a grand look. You are replacing the princess Anna. She is very busy in the garden watering the plants. Please lend your helping hand to princess Elsa. Thank you so much for being with the princess. You are also invited for the wedding. Please do turn up for the celebration.

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