Elden Souls: Dark Roguelike RPG 게임:

일인용, 롤플레이, 플랫폼, , 몬스터, 복고, Unity3D, WebGL, 픽셀 | 등록된 날짜: 12 May 2024
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Embark on an exhilarating journey into a captivating 2D RPG world, stepping into the shoes of a formidable swordswoman with mystical powers. Explore dynamically generated dungeons, brandishing a diverse array of weapons imbued with extraordinary abilities to enhance your martial skills. With a vast talent tree at your disposal, customize your playstyle to suit your preferences, craft potent artifacts, and unleash awe-inspiring spells such as the devastating Black Hole and the mystical Magic Crystal. Prepare to confront a myriad of adversaries, each presenting unique obstacles to overcome. Should you fall in combat, fear not, for you can reclaim your 'Souls' and continue your epic quest. Brace yourself for an immersive and content-rich adventure, where every challenge is an opportunity to rise triumphant!

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Elden Souls: Dark Roguelike RPG
Elden Souls: Dark Roguelike RPG
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