Egyptian Princess Messy Room 게임:

일인용, Flash, 공주 | (939 KB) 등록된 날짜: 08 Sep 2015
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투표: 이 게임이 마음이 드나요?


The archaeologist named William has found the palace where Cleopatra lived many decades ago. It has brought name and fame to the researcher. To your surprise, the palace is found within the premise of the city. In the palace they have found the room of the queen. The room is in a messy condition as it wasn’t cleaned by anyone for a long time. The palace is crowded with the visitors. Before they come to the room of the pretty lass, give a spring cleaning to the room. You will be paid for your service. After putting the waste items in the garbage, mop the floor. You have only few minutes left from now. Give an elegant look to the room of the gorgeous queen. You are running out of time. So keep that in mind and complete the task as soon as possible. The archaeologist and team members are indebted to you. Hurry now.

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