Dustrider 게임:

로봇, 일인용, 함정, 우주, 플랫폼, 장애물, 몬스터, HTML5, 픽셀 | 등록된 날짜: 02 Jul 2020
당신의 3개의 베스트 게임을 추가하세요
832 플레이
  • Move left/right
    Aim up
    Rocket/Melee attack
    Enter/Exit mech
  • Pause/Resume

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A retro action platformer with random level generation. Switch between pilot and mech to take on an army of evil. Your mech runs on power, which can be lost by attacking or taking damage in the mech. Refill power by attacking enemies as the pilot, or in special refill rooms. Pilot's health gradually recovers when inside the mech. Balance HP and Power by switching between two playstyles! The pilot wields a light gun, and the Mecha boasts ultra-powerful shotgun and charge-beam abilities.

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