Draculaura Jewel Match 게임:

Flash, 매칭, 보석 | (2.68 MB) 등록된 날짜: 09 Aug 2015
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Today we have for you a new and beautiful online game in which the main character is Draculaura from the Monster High serie. This new game is a jewel match game in which your friend would like you to join her and give her a hand. Draculaura has to match jewels of the same type and color and to get points for them. She has a limited timeat her disposal and in this time she needs to gain a target score, so that she can move further in the levels of the game. Your friend wants you to be the one to join her and have fun playing this new game that she has to offer especially for you, a logical game in which she is eager to have you by her side and spend some time together. Have fun with Draculaura in this new jewel match game!

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Draculaura Jewel Match
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