Color Run 게임:

격투, 일인용, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 반사, 마우스 스킬, 장애물, 3D, 달리기, WebGL | 등록된 날짜: 22 Jul 2024
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  • Drag to move left or right

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Color Run is a fun running game and your objective is to guide your character through a dynamic course to reach the finish line, where an epic showdown against the final boss awaits. You must ensure that your character is taller than the opponent when you face off. The core gameplay mechanic revolves around collecting little characters that share the same color as your character. These colorful companions contribute to your height, allowing you to break through walls and obstacles in your path. But here's the catch – touching characters of a different color will harm you, so precision and color matching are crucial. Have fun playing this game here at!

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Color Run
Color Run
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