Color Pixel Art Classic 게임:

일인용, 마우스 스킬, 동물, 색칠하기, HTML5, 모바일, 터치스크린, 픽셀 | 등록된 날짜: 07 Mar 2019
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There are only a few thing as relaxing as painting. But since most of us are probably not artists by trade, why not take the easy way and paint by numbers?

With Color Pixel Art Classic you can choose between more than 800 great pixel art images and make a professional artwork out of them. From animals and people to cars, flowers, food, monsters, knights and so much more you can spend hours just painting and relaxing.

The controls are super simple. Just pick a color from the color palette and you will immediately see the pixels you have to paint in that specific color. By pinching you can zoom in and out to make the pixels bigger or smaller.When you keep your finger pressed on a pixel, you will see a crayon appear on the screen. Now you can keep the finger on the screen and just swipe across like a painter to fill the pixels. Of course it works just as well on any PC with a mouse.

Color Pixel Art is not only for those who played their first games on 8-Bit consoles. It has a captivating aesthetics to it in its simplicity and colorful visuals. That's why it is called pixel ART. It is truly an art form in its own right and it is loved by millions around the world.

Many current video games sport a fantastic visual art style completely made out of pixels. It has a certain fascination that our HTML5 game Color Pixel Art Classic captures splendidly with hundreds of funny, charming and colorful pixel images.

Start being an artist now.

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