Boxhead The Nightmare 게임:

일인용, Flash, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 좀비, , 생존 호러 | (4.9 MB) 등록된 날짜: 29 Aug 2011
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Unlock new characters, weapons, and levels as you continue your battle against the zombies. The year is 2030, earth is infected with evil. Billions of dark creatures crawled out of the depths of hell, causing havok and chaos. The bamarican goverment is offering loads of money to those who are willing to annihilate this darkness as efficient as possible. Use this money to unlock more powerful weapons, manipulate the environment to kill as many as you can. Only the most creative will reach the hall of fame.

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이 게임은 시리즈의 일부입니다 :Boxhead

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Boxhead The Nightmare
Boxhead The Nightmare
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