BFF's Breakup Guide 게임:

일인용, 여자 아이, 옷 입히기, 사랑, 안드로이드, HTML5, 메이크오버/메이크업, 모바일, 아이폰, 아이패드, 터치스크린 | 등록된 날짜: 09 Apr 2019
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When Liz met Kevin at the library it was love at first sight! They were the nicest couple in the school... but sadly it did not last because Liz caught Kevin kissing with Angela! Like any high school girl in this situation, Liz suffered for days and cried in her room, but luckily Liz has good friends who know how to help someone get over a breakup. The secret is a complete makeover, new hair, new clothes! Help the girls give Liz a face beauty makeover, a hair treatment and a lovely makeup. The next step in the process of getting her feel better, is to design a new uniform for her and wait to see what happens when the new Liz meets up with Kevin at the school! Have fun!

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BFF's Breakup Guide
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