Battle Wheels 게임:

아케이드, 이인용, 일인용, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 자동차, HTML5, 모바일, 터치스크린 | 등록된 날짜: 31 May 2024
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Battle Wheels is a high-energy arcade game where you engage in intense 1 on 1 vehicular battles. Each car in this game lacks a roof, providing a unique twist as you can use this feature to launch airborne attacks directly on your opponent’s head. Mastery of flying around the arena and executing acrobatic flips onto your adversary’s car is crucial to securing victory. You can enhance your car’s chassis to increase base health, invest in robust wheels to boost damage, and apply general upgrades to further improve your vehicle’s damage output and durability. "Battle Wheels" offers both single-player and two-player modes. The two-player mode presents a thrilling challenge, allowing you to compete against a friend to determine who can climb higher up the ranks and ultimately claim the title of Battle Wheels champion. Enjoy playing this game here at!

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