Baby Daisy Diaper Change 게임:

일인용, Flash, 아동용, 단장하기, 아기, 메이크오버/메이크업 | (1.63 MB) 등록된 날짜: 08 Apr 2014
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Baby Daisy Diaper Change is very fun free online game for girls. In this cute game Baby Daisy is going to a small park near her house along with her mom. During the travel, Baby Daisy has slept and also made her diaper dirty. There is a baby care room available in the park, Baby Daisy’s mom decides to take the baby to the room and change the diaper. Help Baby Daisy’s mom to change the diaper and then make her happy by entertaining her. So your job in this game is to change Baby Daisy diaper. Follow the instructions in the game and try to make Baby Daisy happy. Also try to be fast because the game is time limited. Have fun playing the game!

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