Aquarium Travel 게임:

Flash, 옷 입히기 | (733 KB) 등록된 날짜: 14 Feb 2014
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It is going to be weekend for Tina. This time she decides to go to visit aquarium. There are lots of different types of marine organism like whale, dolphin, sea lion and sea turtle. So that will be a good place for Tina to know marine animals and learn marine knowledge. Our cute teen girl Tina is so excited about her trip to the aquarium that she totally forgot about all those so complicated fashion rules. She is depending on your help today, so would you like to give her a helping hand at putting together a nice, beautiful outfit? Choose the pattern and color of clothing and then customize with accessories and props for our girl. How awesome is that! Get ready for the fantastic aquarium travel ahead by using the clothing items available for your choice. Have a fabulous travel with Tina.

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